
up-level your emotional intelligence

Change Your Inner Life

and your OUTER LIFE will never be the same.

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Moms Need Support From Other Moms.

I love myself a good mom-support Facebook group. But have you ever noticed that the same kinds of problems crop up over and over? And the comments range from cliche, to confusing, to extreme!

But every once in awhile a wise, insightful mom sees right through problem and lays it out for all of us to understand. The solution becomes obvious. That's an emotionally intelligent mom.

What if you could be that mom?

We were never taught emotional intelligence.

When we try to support one another without emotional intelligence, it can make things worse.


We do it the way our parents did. They did it the way their parents did it. We can break cycles by learning skills.


Instagram influencers are awesome. So many good tips to get us through the day! But what if you could learn from a professional?


Modern life has changed so much, creating anxiety & depression everywhere. We need emotional intelligence skills just to survive.

It took me a while to figure it out

I knew I wanted to become a good person and a good mom.

I used all the resources.

I checked out books, took classes, followed influencers on social media, asked other moms, and picked up tips and tricks here and there. But it was never enough.

It wasn't until I raised 7 kids and coached dozens of clients that I realized that I keep teaching them the same skills over and over.

The same skills I learned piecemeal in all those classes and books had helped me to be a cool, calm, collected mom most of the time. But when I put together the basic emotional intelligence skills all together in one place, everything changed for me.

When I realized that most moms didn't get that training that I got early on, I made it my mission to teach emotional intelligence skills to women (and a few brave men).

Imagine being that woman that people come to for advice.

“I've tried it and it totally works!”

"I'm so glad you taught the skill of naming the emotion. Because I've tried it and it totally works! I never thought it would because I have some emotional teenage girls. And its has been so awesome to see that it does quiet it down and it helps them to refocus. That's a great skill."

  • Jamie


Starting Today...

Get the Emotional Intelligence You Need For Any Situation!


What’s Included in Your Program?


What Do I Want?

Moms can easily get lost in motherhood. Let's start by figuring out what you want. Most people know how to set goals, but putting processes in place to pursue goals in the messy middle of mom life are a whole different thing. Our proprietary signature skill of goal looping is based in positive psychology and will change the way you look at your efforts. It's truly life changing!

Walk Away With:

  • Moms get lost in motherhood. Let's figure out what you want.

  • Signature Skill: Goal Loops to iterate through the terrain of your goal pursuit. Life changing!

  • Learn how to roll with failure and observe it from a distance.

  • Learn how to get traction on your goals

Walk Away With:

  • Learn how to identify needs with a needs inventory

  • I-Statement worksheet to advocate for yourself

  • Process for creating personal policies to keep boundaries in place

  • Research on human needs we all have

SKILLS to Advocate for Yourself

What Do I Need?

How do I know when I'm not getting a need met? I usually feel resentful. I'm giving up too much of my time, energy, and even money or stuff. How do we reverse the tide? Especially when it's become a habit for many women? Learn specific simple skills to ask for what you need and set out to get it without stomping on everyone else.

Walk Away With:

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  • Bullet point goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem

  • Bullet point goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem


What do I Think?

The other day I was working at my computer and got hungry, so I went downstairs and started cooking dinner. My husband was doing a project in the garage and my 7 kids are all grown and gone. I found myself getting angry. Why? My brain served up the story (for no good reason) that if I was cooking inside alone it must be because my husband thought my place was in the kitchen. Infuriating! Except it wasn't true at all. He had no clue where I was. I'm an adult who got hungry. I have options. I can ask him to help (he'd have been happy to), keep cooking, or go out to eat. The point is - if we don't recognize and reframe the automatic untrue stories our brain serves up, our emotions follow the stories and get us into a hot mess.

Walk Away With:

  • Relief when you understand that automatic thoughts are not your fault!

  • Learn to reframe simple events that feel threatening to see them as challenging & improve your heart health at the same time

  • Signature Skill: Recognize & Reframe the Story You're Telling Yourself.

  • Framework for how to think about automatic thoughts.

Walk Away With:

  • Permission to let go of the guilt over anger, anxiety, and other strong negative feelings.

  • A simple research-based skill to calm any emotion right in the middle of it. It works for others too!

  • Learn to name, validate, normalize, and summarize emotions in order to get curious about them

  • The ability to go from critical to curious & calm


What Do I Feel?

The goal of learning skills to work with our emotions isn't to get rid of them, but to get curious & confident in navigating them. We're always going to have emotions. Avoiding them or the things that causes them causes us to avoid all kinds of experiences that promote growth, novelty, and creativity in our lives. Rather than trying to stop emotions, consider getting curious about them in order to build a rich inner life.

Walk Away With:

  • Bullet point goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem

  • Bullet point goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem

  • Bullet point goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem

  • Bullet point goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem


Brain & Body

Our emotions have a life of their own. Our brain and body team up to create them without our consent. But just because we didn't give permission for our emotions to arise, doesn't mean we can't do something about them. Did you know that your brain and body automatically dial down emotions if we do nothing at all? Come learn how to calm emotions even quicker by using our brain and body's natural mechanism for turning off the stress response.

Walk Away With:

  • A new understanding of how our

  • Learn how and why our brain serves up emotions come from

  • Learn to calm emotions and turn down the stress response with breathing, vagal tone exercises, and mindful moments.

  • A simple signature question that helps us get curious - Who's Driving?

Walk Away With:

  • Learn the reason our brains are "tricky" and what we can do about it.

  • A simple research-based Self-Compassion practice that only takes minutes to use.

  • Research about how compassion and self-compassion affect the brain.

  • Compassion isn't cozy. Learn how to have fierce compassion to be firm but kind.



Paul Gilbert, a famous self-compassion therapist, had a depressed client who was practicing reframing her thoughts. She practiced saying to herself: "I have a loving husband and family to support me." But she didn't feel any better. Paul asked her to say aloud what was happening in her head. She said, "It sounds like this: I say to myself, You have a loving husband husband and family to support you, you big loser. So why can't you figure this out? Why are you still depressed with all that support. Geeze. How stupid can you be?" She was practicing emotional intelligence skills without self-compassion and it backfired! Self-Compassion is essential to this work!

Walk Away With:

  • Bullet point goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem

  • Bullet point goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem

  • Bullet point goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem

  • Bullet point goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem

Emotional Intelligence

Change your Inner WOrld ➡️Change Your OUTER WORLD


When you change your inner world, it affects your outer world!


There will always be emotional rollercoasters. Now you can strap in and enjoy the ride!


Duct taping together endless bits and pieces of tips and tricks.

Having Emotional Intelligence skills transforms the way you show up in your life.

critical → Calm & Curious

Using the six signature skills creates calm. You end up getting curious about what's going on in your inner world rather than being critical of it.

confused → clear & Clean

Using the unpacking process creates clarity. You end up with a clean, clear list of layers to a problem rather than being confused by all that's going on inside.

Clueless → competent & caring

Using the six signature skills creates a sense of competence. Rather than winging it, you can help yourself and others with emotional intelligence.

You can help yourself and others...




the value doesn't stop there, you'll also get

Three Amazing Bonuses - Just For Moms

Start Gettting what you want

Goal Journal Mom-Guide


Our Goal Journal Mom-Guide helps you lay a foundation of honoring your efforts to get what you want by recording them in a goal journal. The guide includes Tips and Tricks for real goal-setting in our hot mess lives.

Bite-Sized research in plain english!

Research Bites


Like to Geek Out on Emotional Intelligence? This course comes with a library of one-page research summaries. I did the hard work of reading the 10-30 page detailed, math-y research, and pulled out the story and big take-aways.


Goals With Kids Mini-Course


In 2019 my daughter and I researched and wrote a book, Goal Getters, on how to talk to your kids about setting goals and goal pursuit. This bonus lesson teaches you how to have those goal conversations!

Decide to invest in yourself + See WHAT’S INCLUDED

Change Your Inner Life


valued at

8 Modules


Practice Sessions


Main Offering Example three


Main Offering Example four


Main Offering Example five


bonus: Goal Journal Mom-Guide


bonus: Research Bites


bonus: Goals with kids mini-course





Total Value = $1002

Regular Price = $397

Today’s Price = $297


Main Offering Example one $997

Main Offering Example two $197

Main Offering Example three $2997

Main Offering Example four $97

Main Offering Example five $297

bonus Offering Example one $997

bonus Offering Example two $997

VALUED AT = $4,585

Total Value = $$$$$

Regular Price = $$$$

Today’s Price = $$$

Amma Gatty Great Coach!

"I highly recommend LeAnn Hunt as a coach and mentor. Her personable approach and guidance helped me set clear goals for my professional life. I am grateful for her services and cannot recommend her enough!



Extremely Limited Time

Are there limited quantities? Limited time? Special offers? Explain and give a reason WHY they must take you up on the offer today.

This is your scarcity. You must have some sort of scarcity to encourage immediate action. Mauris ac vestibulum nibh, quis euismod velit. Mauris sodales tincidunt ex vitae viverra. Nunc neque eros, convallis vel eros id, molestie.


If they are not 100% satisfied.

If you don't love this course and these signature skills like hundreds of other students have, we will give you your money back.

Simply email us at support@lifechangingprinciples.com and we'll send you a refund, no questions asked.

When You Change Your Inner life - your outer life changes too!

Real People + Real Results

Students love the skills!

Alice DeWitt

“Right now I'm not the mom. I'm the coach.”

I noticed that it’s really good for me with my kids when I put on a coaching hat. Because then I’m the coach and not the parent. And I’m totally more calm and level headed when I have my coaching hat on. So it’s really good. I think it’s really good for a parent to put on that other hat and say, “Okay, right now I’m not mom. I’m the coach.” It’s good. It’s good for our relationship.

Students love leann's teaching too!

Niki Coon

“LeAnn's magic is pulling the magic out of people!”

LeAnn’s magic is pulling the magic out of people! That’s really what it is. And if parents can do that with their own kids and pull the richness and nobility and greatness and gifts out of their kids, that’s where we’re headed.

I love

the bold new me!

One client had a list of things she wanted to do "someday." When she learned to iterate and check in with what she wants, she finished three goals in a year that she never would have begun.

One client began to enjoy all of her emotions. She still gets frustrated, irate, and discouraged, but now she can watch herself and get curious with some self-compassion about what's going on.

One client was transformed by the ability to reframe the story she was telling herself. She had no idea her brain was serving up so many stories.

Buy to Be BOld + see WHAT’S INCLUDED!

Change Your Inner Life


valued at

8 Modules


practice sessions


Main Offering Example three


Main Offering Example four


Main Offering Example five




bonus: RESEARCH bites


bonus: Goals with kids mini-course





Total Value = $1,002

Regular Price = 397

Today’s Price = 297


Main Offering Example one $997

Main Offering Example two $197

Main Offering Example three $2997

Main Offering Example four $97

Main Offering Example five $297

bonus Offering Example one $997

bonus Offering Example two $997

VALUED AT = $4,585

Total Value = $$$$$

Regular Price = $$$$

Today’s Price = $$$


Frequently Asked Questions.

What's the time commitment here?

The modules are on-demand and can be watched at your convenience. You and I both know that that could mean getting a good start, then getting busy and never getting back to it. That's why we gamified it.

You get points for completing lessons and some fun surprises along the way. Do you need them? Nope. We're all adults here. But are they fun? Yep. You're welcome!

What if my problems are too big and I need a therapist?

Therapists are great. Totally recommend them. You might need one. I don't know. Maybe give one a try.

What I do know is that these skills will save your therapist some time. Every therapist will be grateful that you've up-leveled your emotional intelligence before or during therapy. Every therapists wishes you had these skills.

I've tried this stuff before. It's great, but I don't use it when I go home.

Me too! I've taken so many courses and read so many books. The thing that makes this one different is the practice. Each modules has a practice lesson. I've scoured the internet looking for problems moms post online, as well as logged problems my coaching clients come to me with.

I've summarized those problems into dozens of scenarios with quizzes and comments where you can practice each skill separately on a given situation. It's surprising how quickly a new skill sticks when you practice like this.

What if it doesn't work for me?

Honestly I'd be surprise. The 6 skills are separated out like isolating muscle groups to work out. Some may be a refresher for you. Some may be totally new. You may not use all the skills, but some of them will rock your world.

But, it may not work for you. If it doesn't, we have a 100% money back guarantee. Just email us.

It's time to decide if you'll change your inner life with this course. I Guarantee it will be worth it. Doors close in one week.

You're Worth It

This investment will pay off for the rest of your life

if not...

Nothing changes.

if not...

Who's going to be the wise mom in your friend group & family if not you?


You become the confident woman & mom you've always wanted to be.